< Intro to Elixir
27 casts | 7:35:30 for the total course
created by Tammam Kbeili
- 1. Welcome to Elixir
2. Basic Building Blocks
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson Four: Variables & Data Types (Part 1)
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson Five: Data Structures: Lists (Part 2)
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson Six: Pattern Matching
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson Seven: Pattern Matching & Recursion
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson Eight: Pattern Matching with Guards
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson 9: Maps, Structs and Keyword Lists
3. Putting Things Together
- Intro to Elixir | Lessons 10: Enum and Anonymous Functions
- Intro to Elixir - Lessons 11 | The Awesome |> Operator
- Intro to Elixir | Lessons 12: Drills and Tips - Part 1
- Intro To Elixir | Lesson 13: Drills and Tips - Part 2
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson 14: Drills and Tips - Part 3
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson 15: Drills and Tips - Part 4
- 4. Flow Control & Enumerable Comprehension
5. The Project: Star Wars API Integration
- Intro to Elixir | Lessons 20: Project set up
- Intro to Elixir | Lessons 21: Project organization, alias and import
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson 22: Project Testing and documentation
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson 23: Project Dependencies & Making HTTP Requests
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson 24: Decoding HTTP Requests
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson 25: Making multiple requests
- Intro to Elixir | Lesson 26: Using `with` to avoid nested conditionals
- 6. Closing