< Amazon Honeycode
38 casts | 5:16:06 for the total course
created by Mammoth Interactive INC
- 1. 1 - Introduction to the course
2. 2 - Build your first app
Amazon Honeycode | Project Overview | 2.1
Amazon Honeycode | Set Up Data Tables | 2.2
Amazon Honeycode | Build Your First App | 2.3
Amazon Honeycode | Customize App and Add Navigation | 2.4
Amazon Honeycode | Add Automated Notifications | 2.5
3. 3 - Build an app backwards with data
Amazon Honeycode | Project Overview | 3.1
Amazon Honeycode | Format Data | 3.2
Amazon Honeycode | Build the App | 3.3
Amazon Honeycode | Style and Customize the App | 3.4
Amazon Honeycode | Automation and Edge Cases | 3.5
4. 4 - Content tracker
Amazon Honeycode | Content Tracker | 4.1
Amazon Honeycode | Content Tracker Database | 4.2
5. 5 - Build apps with objects
Amazon Honeycode | Data Cell | 5.1
Amazon Honeycode | Content Box | 5.2
Amazon Honeycode | Button | 5.3
Amazon Honeycode | Blank Block | 5.4
Amazon Honeycode | Blank List | 5.5
Amazon Honeycode | Column List | 5.6
Amazon Honeycode | Stacked List | 5.7
Amazon Honeycode | Form | 5.8
Amazon Honeycode | Input Field | 5.9
Amazon Honeycode | Picklist | 5.10
Amazon Honeycode | Number | 5.11
Amazon Honeycode | Percentage | 5.12
Amazon Honeycode | Currency | 5.13
Amazon Honeycode | Contact | 5.14
Amazon Honeycode | Date | 5.15
Amazon Honeycode | Segment | 5.16
Amazon Honeycode | Screen | 5.17
6. 6 - Simple survey
Amazon Honeycode | Simple Surbey Overview | 6.1
Amazon Honeycode | Simple Survey Database | 6.2
7. 7 - Inventory management
Amazon Honeycode | Inventory Management Overview | 7.1
Amazon Honeycode | Inventory Management Database | 7.2
8. 8 - To do list
Amazon Honeycode | To Do List Overview | 8.1
Amazon Honeycode | To Do List Database | 8.2