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Test React App
English (Auto-generated)
Hello everyone. So today I'm gonna create a simple yet. Which so I've already set up the in my computer and as you can see we have this folder here and I've already started the comm pilot And I was ever is running on local of 3000. If we get it on our browser we can see our app is running here. So it's just all our basic stuff. No, let me create a simple input here so I can remove all this and save it. You can see that we can't see anything. So we have removed all the content. There's some of the lower also from here and it's input take, which is going to be text. Oh no, save it and see what this is all there. Okay. We have one input and it is coming in center because react has some already predefined CSS if you go here and if you see and if you're just delete all this, you can see now that we have a default setting here but it is not enough right in the it is not enough