Chatty Chat: Part 10 - Emit a Join Event to Make a User Join a Chatroom

JavaScript API

English (Auto-generated)

Hi everyone in this cast, we're going to make sure that someone can join a particular chat room. Now remember that sockets were based on events and there are some deserved events which can be accessed using the socket object on the silver side. And there are some events reserved for the client side. So when someone joins a chat room, we will emit a joint event to join the connected user in the chat room. So okay. I'm just going to write a comment a minute. The join a rent to join a connected User two or in a room. Okay. So we're going to say, well, socket, which refers to a particular connection. So socket dot met and emit, um, something that we're calling join.
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Let's make sure that when someone clicks on a room link they're joining that particular chatroom.

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