Intro to Next.js | Lesson 2: Creating Our First Next.js App


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in this video we're going to talk about how we can create our very first next Js applications to do that. We need to go to the project folder. Whatever the project folder is where you want your application to be. So I'm going inside the projects and right here I need to open the terminal. Okay. In the terminal I need to do two things. I need to open the I. D. Now it depends on you whatever I. D. You prefer. For example I prefer the visual studio coach. So to open the idea in the specific folder, you need to write code and period. If I just write code and press enter key then it'll open the I. D. But if I just write code and it's in space and period then it's gonna open the I. D. In the specific folder we are in inside the terminal which is the deck stops and deck stop slash projects. So I'm pressing the inner key and I'm getting this in the right here. Okay I've got it. I'm going back and now the second thing I need is to write the command in the command line to create the next Js application. So I'm writing N. P. X. And the space create next. And I'm gonna press the enter key again. Okay once I do this I'm gonna get that in the Okay I'm gonna get some questions. The first question is, what is your project named? If you write and nothing, you're gonna get the project name as my f I'm gonna write the next step. This would be the name of the project. Okay. You can see that in the project folder. There is a new folder which is the half folder. The next Js and they're using the NPM. So absolutely you need to have the no Js first and then you need to have the NPM which comes within no Js in the package. Okay. They just installed they added the 101 packages including the dependencies like react react until next year. So obviously when you're working on next, I've told you that we need the react to So we got the next days and we got the react and then some dependencies, some dev dependencies like es clinton he is linked conflict. Next. Okay. Now there are three things you can do. You can, you know, you can run the development server by writing npm. Run dev you can build the application for the production mode or you can once you build the application, I mean, you know that development is finished then you can build that and then you can run the NPM. Start by running the built up in the production mode. Okay. For now they're suggesting that we should go to the next application. I mean next Js application. The folder where we created that by writing C D space. Next Okay, we're inside the folder. You can see that this is the folder we just created. So our very first application is created in the next video. We're going to see how it works and how to make changes in the application until then stay tuned.
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In this cast, we will learn how to create a Very basic next app using command line.

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