Angular | Install and Setup the App
English (Auto-generated)
install and setup the application um the angular application. So first thing first we need to do is to open the terminal in the specific folder where we want the application to be installed. So this is the folder we have the code cast io angular and in this folder I'm going to do that. So because you know, we've installed the cli the angular cli so the N. G. Will work so N. G. And the new. And then you need to write the name of the application to set up an application. So I'm going to write the name as uh angular. Mm. Okay. And I'm pressing the enter key and then it's uh it's we started processing. Okay. It's asking if would you like to add the angular roading? We will talk about this later, but I'm writing why I mean yes. And then there is a way like um you know which style sheet I want? The C S S S C S S C S A double S L E S S. So it's on you. I'm installing with the CSS The Basic one. Okay, now the packages are getting installed, you can see that. Mhm. Mhm. Okay. It can take a little time but no problem. We can wait. It's gonna install everything inside this folder. You can see that it's getting installed and once it's done we would be able to run the application in the node J Oh sorry. In the angular actually. Okay. Uh It's installing the applications uh the elements one by one from the application. It's still installing the packages from the NPM. Okay. you can see that it's going in the node modules folder has been added in the node modules folder. We will be we will have all the data. If I go inside, you can see that it's going in installing packages. It's taking a little time. That's right. Create angular app app dot component dot CSS come on. It's a package of many 100 mv. So it's certainly taking time. So let's talk about, you know, the eroding. Meanwhile it's installing the application. So the routing is basically it asked us if we want to add the routing or not. You can see that here. So the routing is, you know, the simplest answer is the roading helps us connecting with different pages. So do you want that separately or not? If you want you can have that otherwise you just can't say no. So we wanted the routing for now but we're gonna talk about this and we maybe we possibly will will install the routing manually and separately to but in some later casts. So come to the point we just got it Now, once the package installed successfully, just ignore this guy is not recognized thing because you know, the package installed successfully is what we actually need for. So I'm gonna write the C. D. And what was the name of the application in the name of the application, angular app. So we need to go inside the angular app. C. D. Angular app. Okay, now we are inside the angular app and next thing we need to do is to go with the N. G. Again the N. G. Is working because the cli the angular cli is installed so N. G. Serve open and then here it is. You know it's generating browser, application bundles, phase setup building. Okay we've got it. You can see that we've got the angular application running in the browser. It automatically, you know brought us here and here. You can see that the initial chunk files, the vendor the polyp fills these tiles. Js the runtime. These files that are actually initial chunk files. And the further information is you know the angular live development server is listening on local host 4 to 00. Open your browser on Sgtp Local host 4 to 00. It is compiled successfully. So that is why it just throw threw us to the browser. Now there are different things on the dummy page of the browser. Uh the application actually which is reflecting in the browser, you can edit everything which you can see here. Absolutely. But if you want to click on any link you can go there but we do not want that. We will be reading this whole page by the next video until then stay tuned