English (Auto-generated)
talk about the literary spacing. Uh these options actually, you know, the literary spacing is absolutely very important and uh in the general CCS we do not need any specific thing. We just can apply the, you know, the letter spacing, Why the CSS like this way, you know, this is also mentioned here in the tailwind website, but now you need to apply the tracking the tracking tighter. The tracking tight normal, wider, wider. Let's just pick the title for now and I'm just copying that and actually I need a big sentence here in the in the save it close it. Okay Yeah, in the main component, the index dot Js. So I'm just deleting the Hello world and I'm writing something else here for example, I'm writing um this is a simple okay paragraph which is helpful for under its spending letter pacing. Save it, go to the browser, I'm going to the browser now and you're gonna see something right here. You can see that this is the paragraph okay for now it is coming like, you know, if you notice that G is actually you know, touching the local hosts seed, you can see that we don't have the title for now, but that's okay anyway, the class and track crack tighter. I just saved it now. I need to go to the browser, you can see that now it is literally, you know, you know, it was, you know, it was touching the sea and now it is just touching the cross of the, you know, letters fixing tailwinds point. So you can see that that's absolutely worked and the you know spacing shrink now. So similarly you have the options, the tracking tighter, the tracking tie, the tracking normal. You do not need to apply the normal because you know the normal is what we call the normal. So let's just copy this and let's just try some other options. If I, you know, I tied it would be literally mentioned 0.50 point 025 and it would be zero fine zero E. M. Actually. So if I apply the tracking normal, the G. Is again touching the sea. So actually the normal is not even important to put but this is a thing anyway, they have it, this is the default, you know, default CSS. So now what we are doing, we just need to change it to white just to check the white how it works. You know, you can see that now it was the normal, it was assuring to one and this one is the wide and the wider or widest. I'm going to apply the widest so just go there and just apply the widest gap. Sorry I'm just gonna copy this. So I'm why I'm copying because you know this helps in comparing said the widest. Sorry, now go to the browser back and you know refresh the page and this is the white is actually you do not need to refresh the page anyway, this is the widest and this is the tighter there is no titus. Anyway, so that's how the lateral spacing works. You can see that And uh the negative values. I'm not gonna fly. Mm hmm Let's just try this one because they are suggesting this to but again they just mentioned that you know negative, you know negative values doesn't make a ton of sense with the lever is pacing his scale. Children includes out of the box. So let's just see what is out of the box. I just copy this and I just, you know like that and just cut that this is the negative value. Save it, go to the browser and go there and this is a negative value And if I make it three um this is not working a lot but actually it is uh you know, it's just going a little you know, little opposite. Hmm. Anyway, uh for wider, Widest normal. Mhm Breaking wide. This is this is applying But not that one. Mm hmm. We will cover, we tried being the negative tracking in the next next cast because this is something actually I myself saw in the website for the first time and this is not important by the way, as it is mentioned that using negative values doesn't make a ton of sense with the letters facing but you know, they edited out of the box but let's just see what is it by the next cast until then stay tuned